Tuesday, February 25, 2014

#100HappyDays | Feb 25, 2014


It's not what you think. This isn't a review of the recent movie. Hehe! I haven't seen the movie, FYI. I hope it's still showing next week.

I had this rare chance to talk with my guy best friend about sex. It's an awkward topic for us, or should I say, awkward for me. No one really knows any details about my sex life. He was the only one who's interested. I guess. Haha!

This is kinda awkward to me since I am a girl. I can imagine him thinking that I am a darn slut, and he have to deal with is 'cause I am his best friend. I just hope he doesn't have to think about it that way. Hehe!

He wants me to give details about my once-in-a-lifetime meeting with HSC, but I don't want to tell a story. He insists, thinking that I can put those actions into words. I told him I'm going to make a creative article just to state the facts. But he has to wait until last year before it gets published.

He told me that I might forget the scenes if he'll wait for a year. I just told him that I am expecting that it would happen again, so I'll relay another story. "It won't happen again, bhestie. Don't assume." And that statement awaken me from my daydream.

I know I shouldn't assume for more. It will never happen again. Sad ending, right? The good news is I have this funny story to keep for myself. A treasure about him that I might keep for the rest of my life. Hahaha!

“If you want happiness for an hour — take a nap. If you want happiness for a day — go fishing. If you want happiness for a year — inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime — help someone else.” - Chinese Proverb


Follow me on Twitter: @huntressAyin447

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