Monday, April 14, 2014

Weekend and 100 Happy Days Updates

I guess it will be considered a loss, but I wasn't ab;e to post my updates during weekends. My laptop is still broken, and I don't have any internet connection to work with. However, I still want to keep track of my daily activities and happy days!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

DAY 49

After two weeks of less rest and less sleep, I was able to complete 8 hours of sleep! It's really refreshing, and I think all my lost energy revived in me. Haha! I was also given the chance to think of another plot for another story. I just wish I'll be able to finish one first before I proceed with another Filipino article.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

DAY 50

Halfway there! It's not easy to track your happy days, but it's all worth it. I've been able to see what I was doing for the past 50 days. I never thought I was that busy. You know, I was thinking that I have this boring life and corny routine.

I watched the fight between Manny Pacquiao and Timothy Bradley. I was watching it seriously until the radio announcer mentioned that our Pinoy Pride won the fight. I still tried to finish the fight, but my eyelids dropped and I fell asleep. Hahah!

Monday, April 14, 2014

DAY 51

I watched Authors Anonymous while waiting for some work to be done. It's kinda a documentary, and I'm sure others will dump this movie. However, it talks about writers. I am a writer, so I loved the plot. I hope more writers will watch this movie and know something about the publishing world. :)

Official poster c/o Google

Stay Happy everyone..

Follow me on Twitter: @xiehabiyer

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